27 January 2011

How Your Last Name Affects Shopping Decisions

This explains a lot...
"Remember back in elementary school where everything from lining up to being called for attendance was done in alphabetical order, based on your last name? It turns out that experience may have had long-lasting effects on the way you shop."

Full Article Link
(via Today Show - H/T L. Zboray)

25 January 2011

America’s Top 10 New Sandwiches

"At ChurchKey, a house-made brioche donut is glazed in savory maple-chicken jus and topped with warm pieces of oven-baked pecans. While that sounds like a meal already, the brioche is cut in half and stuffed with a hunk of buttermilk fried chicken and wedges of applewood smoked bacon."
Full Article Link
(via EndlessSimmer.com - H/T J. Adamek)

14 January 2011

New Zodiac Sign Dates: Ophiuchus The 13th Sign?

Glad I didn't get that Pisces tattoo...
"Astronomer Parke Kunkle says that due to changes in the Earth's alignment the dates of many zodiac signs have changed, according to NBC. In addition, there may be a 13th Zodiac sign: Ophiuchus."
Read the Full Article Here - Huff Post

(via Huffington Post)

13 January 2011

Assessing the Fate of the 'Facebook Way'

Good read from CNET News a few days ago...

"We didn't always want to admit it, but in 2010 the world accepted that Facebook--the company that introduced us all to such mundane pursuits as photo tagging, virtual farmsteads, and the voyeuristic tracking of the lives of people we only half-knew in high school--has changed the world.

Yet Facebook has also begun to pioneer something different: a corporate structure and philosophy intimately tied to the mind of its young CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, and the company's roots as a tiny cadre of coders in a college dorm. We'll call this "the Facebook Way." And in 2011 as Facebook continues to grow bigger (it kicked off the year with a $500 million investment from Goldman Sachs and Digital Sky Technologies, after all), we may get an answer to the question: Will the Facebook Way continue to work? Will this turn out to be one of the great business philosophies that other companies emulate, or will it prove to be a consequence of a still-young company's own naivete?"

Read the Full Article Here - CNET News
(via CNET News)

12 January 2011

Are Americans Wusses or Just Fond of Trash Talk?

Good ol' Fast Eddie...
"When asked, Gov. Rendell admits to being unaware of the roots of the word wuss. But Mr. Adams is willing to give the governor a pass. "There are those who believe a word ought to always mean what it always meant, but that's not how language works. Words like 'wuss' and 'wussy' can end up de-vulgarized after awhile.""
Read the Full Article Here - WSJ.com

(via WSJ - H/T S. Archut)

Haiti One Year Later: Got Trash? Make Thread.

A worthwhile read.  Nice work, Ian...
"One year after Haiti’s devastating earthquake, the country is still in the early stages of recovery. While financial aid, food and medical supplies have made it to the island nation, which is considered to be one of the poorest countries on earth, many argue that little has been done to improve Haiti’s long-term economic stability.
A Pittsburgh-based group of entrepreneurs is trying to change that. Known as THREAD (The Haitian Redevelopment Directive), the organization is committed to building a factory that turns discarded plastic bottles into fabric for use in high-performance apparel. They hope the factory will be operational by year-end."

Read the full article here - CSMonitor.com
(via Christian Science Monitor)

04 January 2011

The Most Banned College Band

"Their performances have enraged Irish, Mormons, Catholics and even Ann Landers, who once wrote an entire advice column demanding that Stanford suspend them. O.J. Simpson no doubt had something much more stern in mind after they played She's Not There on the courthouse steps during his trial. (To be fair, that was quite mild compared to their halftime show the next time Stanford's football team played Simpson's alma mater, the University of Southern California. It included a white van covered with bloody handprints driving around the field.)"
Full Article Link - Miami Herald

(via Digg and Miami Herald)